Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Long ago, in a time before colouring in books...

Long before the trend for adult colouring books, there was the original 'colouring for adults' DoodleArt of the early eighties, beautiful big black and white prints supplied in a tube that you coloured in yourself, and aimed at grown-ups.

Littered with flora and fauna, butterflies, animals, skies, grass and fantasy worlds, they were addictive and extremely popular at the time.

The memory of my Mum at the dining room table completely immersed in colouring in was still vivid in my memory when, a few years ago, I made this black and white screen print designed to be coloured in at home. 

I offered a fully printed colour one too, but the B+W ones were more popular. I thought I had long ago sold out of these, but in a recent studio loft tidy up, I unearthed a pile of them.

But what to do with them? We're trying to tidy up and make space for new projects!

So, I'm offering them free to anybody who wants one, for the cost of P+P+P (postage, packing and PayPal fee) only!

£4 UK
£7 everywhere else in the world

If you colour yours in, feel free to post the finished masterpiece on FB, Instagram or Tweet it!

Sent in a sturdy 12" mailer, the print is slightly under 12", on cotton rag paper with a deckle edge, and comes with a large border for framing. They were printed by K2 Screen in London, printers to record labels, recording artists, designers, publishers and illustrators the world over.

Each one is of course signed.

Help me tidy up the studio!


PS: if you want more than one, email me to pay a different way, as the little shop system will charge you postage per print, and I can get more than one in the box!

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