Opening night Friday 21st October, from 6.30pm.
More gallery information here: factoryroadgallery.net
Richard will be taking over the wall space of Factoryroad Gallery with his brushes and paints!
Richard is an artist and designer who also makes videogames such as Poto and Cabenga, Frobisher Says and Hohokum. Originally from Leicestershire, this will be the first time he is showing his work in the town since his A-level exhibition (he got a B). He currently lives in Crystal Palace, South London. Richard used to be a part of the notorious design company Airside. He is also in the band Satan's Cock.
And if we are very fortunate, he may also be wowing us with his world-famous pumpkin carving skills.
His work is sprightly and charming, and never fails to plaster a smile on our faces!
RSVP please - since this is a working studio as well as a gallery space, we need you to let us know if you're coming. Thanks!

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